How are relevant market players positioning themselves in the e-prescription-era?

Digital Pharmacy Landscape & E-Prescription-Study 24

Digital Pharmacy Landscape 24 ENG 1920x1080

The highlights of the Digital Pharmacy Landscape & E-Prescription-Study 24

  • Market overview: Update of the digital pharmacy landscape and valuable insights into its players and their hopes due to the CardLink-procedure
  • Shop Apotheke expands its lead: The market leader stands out in terms of market share and individual shop performance
  • Status quo of the e-prescription: All current redemption procedures and developments in the e-prescription launch at a glance
  • Predictions for the pharma market: Forecasts on the development of on-site pharmacies, the overall market and online pharmacy-sales
  • Chances for Rx-manufacturers & online pharmacies: Unique opportunities for manufacturers and e-pharmacies, especially in the areas of target groups, market shares and partnerships

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Due to the introduction of the e-prescription in Germany, the digital pharmacy landscape is experiencing a transformative force of change. The e-prescription provides new market-opportunities and growth potentials for online pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies and all players in the digital pharmacy landscape. With the help of technological innovations, such as the CardLink-process and the increasing acceptance of e-prescriptions, the industry is facing a promising future. Forecasts of the study show how the pharmacy market's Rx and non-Rx sectors could develop in optimistic and conservative scenarios. They cover a time span until 2030 and indicate that up to 5,000 additional local pharmacies could close by 2030. By far, the current winner of the market is Shop Apotheke.

The study investigates how current market players are positioning themselves in the digital pharmacy landscape of the emerging e-prescription-era. In addition to in-depth insights into market shares as well as the performance of online pharmacies and categories, the influences of e-prescriptions are discussed in fascinating forecasts. Furthermore, the status quo of the e-prescription and its redemption procedures are also discussed as well as the opportunities that arise for pharmaceutical manufacturers and e-pharmacies.

Content of the study:

  • Hope due to the CardLink-procedure
  • Shop Apotheke expands its lead
  • Predictions for the pharma market
  • Chances for Rx-manufacturers & online pharmacies

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    Excerpts from the study

      SAI Digital Pharmacy Landscape study1
      SAI Digital Pharmacy Landscape study2
      SAI Digital Pharmacy Landscape study3
      SAI Digital Pharmacy Landscape study4
      SAI Digital Pharmacy Landscape study5
      Kim tmp

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