The ranking of the top 20 epharmacies in Germany

E-pharmacy Study 23/24

SBI Onlineapotheken Studie 23 1920 1080 4

Highlights of the E-pharmacy Study 23/24

  • Shop Insights: Amazing insights into store user channels, demographics, market forecasts and price portals
  • Sales & Forecasts: Current sales and exciting forecasts on individual stores and the digital nonRx market
  • Top 20 detailed analysis: Overall ranking of the top 20 online pharmacies and detailed presentation of store performance
  • Success Stories: Success in epharmacies through effective KPI-based measures from well-known manufacturers
  • Store Secrets & Spotlights: Deep dive into strategies and developments of selected market players within and outside the top 20

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The German pharmaceutical market is characterized by an economically significant structure. From a global perspective, comparable markets are rare which have such a combination of market volume, in this case around 60 billion (Rx), a still low online penetration of less than 1% and a forecast high growth rate. In the online segment, currently worth around €3 billion, the top 20 online pharmacies around Shop Apotheke, DocMorris and Co. form the core of this market.

In addition to a delayed rollout of the eprescription, which has already caused restructuring at the stores, macroeconomic, developments such as the recent inflationary phase, have also had an impact on epharmacies, which manifests itself in lower discount levels. Both dynamics can be seen in the current ranking.

In the Online Pharmacy Study 23/24, we analyze which epharmacies are performing best today. To this end, the top 20 stores are measured in detail against the seven most important decision-making factors from a consumer perspective in online marketing: Price, SEO, Service, Traffic, Usability, Social and WKZ. In addition, there are exclusive store insights, sales and forecasts relevant for pharmaceutical companies. Finally, we take a closer look at some players inside and outside the top 20 in the Shop Secrets & Spotlights section.

Study content:

  • Shop Insights
  • Sales & Forecasts
  • Top 20 detailed analysis
  • Success Stories
  • Store Secrets & Spotlights

The following download is a document in German language.

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    Excerpts from the study

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      Kim tmp

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